Umm, it's, err, well, it like....?
Do you show them a photo? Perhaps? What is the feeling you get when you are taking a photo of the most amazing thing that you have ever seen? How is that feeling when you look at that same photo a year later? How is that feeling when you show someone else that photo when are attempting to describe the beauty you saw when you were taking that photo?
Landscape photos look great. But do they do the subject any justice? From my experience the answer is ALWAYS NO NO NO.
The beauty in the Kimberley is breathtaking.
The red colours of the rock formations in the gauges, the ranges, the cliff faces and mountains.
Photos, videos, words, paintings help to portray the beauty, BUT something, that other something that evokes a feeling and an emotion that cannot be shared, carried, or taken away is the feeling you get when walking, sitting, looking and feeling these natural wonders.
Sp how do you write an article about a place that words simply cannot describe?
You just need to be here.
Lets do that at the Bungle Bungle Caravan Park. This is the place to meet, great, park, stay, eat, explore, chill, enjoy, share stories and the overwhelming feeling after spending time inside a “timeless” place. Untouched, undamaged by humans. A deep sense of spirtuality, dreamtime stories must be rich in these parts.
Take a photo, attach your current emotion to that image and share your feelings of wonder with your friends.
Take my word for it, do not pass go, just get here! We can share the experience later over an outback bbq, sitting around the fire pit with a cold beer, wine, or a hot chocolate with marshmallows.